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Blazer Expectations
The Blazer Way is respectful, responsible, and safe
- At THS, we treat each other like family
- At THS, we are a community
- At THS, learning is our priority
- At THS, we accept and value each other
- Remember why you’re here – your #1 job is to be a student
- Participate, ask questions, be engaged
- Communicate with your teachers
- When you’re absent – find out what you missed
- Keep track of grades and assignments on family access
- Expect the best from yourself
- Follow the rules and expectations set by your teachers
- Behavior and Language – both should be school appropriate
- Arrive to class on time, ready to learn
- Be friendly and considerate to others
- Be tolerant of others’ beliefs, values and opinions
- Treat others with care and respect
- Clean Up Your Area
- Garbage in the trash can
- Keep your behavior respectful and responsible
- Wait in line patiently – be friendly and considerate of others
- Don’t sit on the tables
- Use appropriate voice levels
- Off Limits Areas: track, behind school, soccer and baseball fields, bleachers, and dugouts, gym and gym entryway, academic halls (A,B,C Wings)
- If you leave during lunch, be safe and be back on time
- Before school, keep the entrance and stairs clear. Be mindful of where you’re standing, so others have a path to go where they need to go
- Be friendly and considerate
- Walk on the right and keep moving
- Be in your class when the bell rings – if you aren’t in class during class time you are subject to discipline
- Always have a pass if you are out during class time – this includes TA’s
- Any adult has the right to ask to see your hall pass, be respectful when asked
- No passes from class during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class
- Passes are to be used for the intended purpose – hanging out and talking or wandering is not the purpose
- If you are going to the restroom, use the one closest to your classroom
- Students hanging out in the restrooms are subject to discipline
- Drive safely and cautiously
- Keep the parking lot clean – throw garbage in garbage cans
- Students may only park in the student lot
- Permits are required – if you haven’t turned in paperwork for a parking permit, get paperwork from the main office
- Parking is a privilege – keep yours! Those who drive unsafely or park without a permit can be issued tickets, booted, or be towed
- You need to be in class to learn – don’t miss out on valuable opportunities
- Make sure VALID absences are excused
- Tardies are not acceptable
- Multiple tardies will result in detentions
- Admin will also assign detention to students who are late to class
- More than 10 minutes late = unexcused absence
- Remember to follow the district dress code
- No references to: alcohol, drugs, violence, offensive words or phrases
- Shirts: need straps, need backs, no bare stomach/midriff
- Pants/Skirts: reasonable length – mid thigh, no underwear showing
- Zero tolerance campus – no drugs, alcohol, tobacco or under the influence on campus
- eCigarettes and Vapes – considered tobacco products, not allowed in school